
Goin' Green

   We here at IMACHINATION LABS are constantly on the lookout for new ideas to make the transition from modern Western Civilization to apocalyptic chaos, a comfortable one.

  We note with trepidation the
prognostication that there will be one worker for every two slackers.  Not wishing to give up their First Class Air Travel, our engineers (imachineers?) raced back to their black (not white, not smart) boards to design...ta dah, "Goin' Green", the aircraft of the future!  This aircraft harkens back to a more genteel time when lighter-than-air craft dominated the skies.

  Main lift is achieved by a rigid zeppelin-like structure filled with hot air which, between global warming and political "speechafyin'", will be an ever more abundant commodity. Noting the ease with which the common house fly alights upon our uncollected garbage, we establish maneuvering control
with a set of scaled-up fly wings that move in a pathetically futile rowing motion.  And of course, we honor the aforementioned
worker-to-slacker ratio by making sure that we never have more than one cranker for every two First Class passengers.

Powered by two AA batteries.
10 lbs.


Photo courtesy of
Wayne D. Salinger Photography



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